Three day training seminar
Period 1
Science v Money
I have moved the subject of money from the last period to the first period in this seminar because, it determines the choices made by all attending this seminar or reading the facts about corrosion control.
The science and technology that I have developed since 1972 is sound, well based and field tested but has not been available globally because of the financial hold that NACE and ICorr have over the global corrosion control community. Cathodic Protection Network technology can fully automate corrosion control, using computers to calculate the electrochemical equilibrium of networks of pipelines and facilities that are subject to devastating corrosion.
A pipeline failure does not only cost a huge amount of money for clean up and compensation, but the pipeline has to be shut down until repaired or replaced. If it is a flowline from a well, it causes the well to clog up and that well has to be worked over. A workover rig cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per day.
If the failure is a delivery line from a manifold, every well feeding that manifold has to be closed down. If the failure is in a trunk pipeline, whole production field has to be shut down and this causes cash flow problems on a national and international scale.
When a serious failure occurs, everyone looks for someone to blame and asks established 'consultants' to ivestigate the causes and to suggest solutions. Past errors are never admitted and that is one reason why there are now 3 recommendations for a way to ascertain when corrosion has been stopped.
Cathodic Protection Network is my own technology that can be demonstrated to show how to control corrosion, repeatedly, in the laboratory, on an office bench and in the field of operations.
NACE claims that 30,000 members who paid $139 each run training courses that cost many more dollars. I do not know the finances of ICorr but know it's history in detail from it's very foundation. I have attended many conferences and meetings during which corrosion control has been discussed and know that, each of these gatherings have been run as commercial concerns for monetary profit.
I am unable to form a software development team because, everyone in the IT industry demands a secure high salary before they even start to think about any project. A well documented example of the hold that money has, is the company Cathodic Protection Network International Limited that I registered in order to give people the opportunity to commercialise and integrate my technology in their own activities in corrosion control.
The legal definition of a company is "group of warm bodies working together to a common goal".
Cathodic Protection Network International Limited was registered at Companies House, London, UK
Company No. 08505715
The company registration documents have been copied and uploaded at the following link.
The company has now been dissolved as I did not have the money to keep it in place.
We must address the problem of money or this seminar will have no effect.
The following is my idea of a legal struture within the present system; the global financial structure is still evolving with international laws and treaties being changed in an attempt to sustain the system in which, those who control the debt control the people. Groups of people are competing with other groups, and the ultimate competition is a fight to the death. I am not party to this and have no time to waste on such squabbles.
Scientists realises that this state of affairs is futile and this link might help to put this seminar into perspective.
It is intended that a company is formed that has value in ability to deliver corrosion control and that, financial arrangements will not interfere with the provision of this service. The financial structure of the company will be organised so that, people who function as part of the activities to control corrosion will set their own requirements for reward and expenses.
They will make their own estimates and submit their own budget proposals, this will overcome the problem of monetary dissent and disruption.
The company will pay all moneys received to those company members who carry out the work to make the cash flow possible.
The accountant will document all of the moneys passing through the company according to the law in each country of operation.
The financial controller will make and control the arrangements for each client to pay for each company project. Also, the financial controller will approve and make arrangements for cash flow based on the financial control systems used by many multi-national companies and organisations.
The company will not be party to secret tenders as the common goal of the company is to control corrosion. The concept being that, we have skills that enable us to control corrosion, and we will control corrosion for those who have made satisfactory financial arrangements to pay for this service. Also, the financial controller alone can make arrangements for short term loans to cover the efficient running of the activities. The company itself will never be responsible to pay 'interest' to anyone or any body.
Employees of the company will be paid the wages and expenses that have been arranged through the financial controller and accountant. The company itself will have no monetary value, but members of the company will receive the amount they require in fees and expenses that have been negotiated directly with the client by the financial controller.