The function of a Cathodic Protection Network Coordinator.
The goal of Cathodic Protection Network (CPN) is to structure a network of specialists who carry out the activities necessary to control corrosion to networks of pipelines and facilities.
We need more 'Coordinators' in each country to motivate the members of each social media group to chat with each other about their experiences and expertise in corrosion control so that we have a global pool of knowledge and understanding that is not possible for one person or for one (competitive) company.
A coordinator needs to connect the specialists necessary to form a network capable of working together to control corrosion.
Each of these coordinators can structure the network in that country to produce cash flow for each follower of CPN technology.
The way that Cathodic Protection Network functions needs structuring in the manner described in the following link so that we can each earn cash flow
resulting from our work.
Coordinators are not required to share information or data but simply to introduce specialists to other specialists and to keep conversations live by spreading news about CPN science and technology.
For example, professors and students in universities will chat to other professors and students globally about their studies and research projects relating to corrosion control.They will discuss sponsors and mentors as well as resources necessary to carry out their studies and the problems they are encountering.
One of our coordinators has requested a business card and this is a good idea as it can be linked to this description of the function of a CPN Coordinator to make it clear how they function within the structure of the CPN
We are selling control of corrosion and we can demonstrate how we use science and technology that nobody else is offering.
My own admin system must be mirrored by coordinators to ensure continuity as there are hundreds of us coordinating and synchronising our efforts for which we will be paid.
I have gathered all coordinators emails into a folders for each country using the standard email system.
I also have folders in the windows system for each country in which I file copies of conversations , information, pictures and data that I then convert into HTML and upload this into the relevant countries. We need webmasters to work with coordinators and the other software engineers, universities, design engineers, field engineers, technicians and survey teams who are acquiring data and information.
We have knowledge and understanding that is valuable to the extremely rich in the pipeline industry and are a network of independent people who can use the blockchain structure to account for all our cash flow on a distributed ledger that is on all our computers. This is the modern way to structure activities of organisations and even whole countries.
Our ideas and comments are forming the protocol that will control the activities within the CPN Blockchain. In this way we will all be in control of our individual lives with no internal competition, we are working together.
Cathodic Protection Network Blockchain.
What is a blockchain?
A blockchain is a distributed ledger of tokens that are all related to each other and each block can be owned by an individual as property that has the value of the work that resides in that token.
Each block in the CPN Blockchain is on a 32 GB, USB memory stick marked CPN BLOCKCHAIN
Each block has 38,516 files, based on science, that have resulted from my experiences, work, experimentation, research and development from 1966 until 2021.
Each block can be thought of as a library of information to which the owner has the key to the front door and the right to sell copies of any of the 'books' in the library or to use them as references when charging fees for consultancy services or utilise any of the training courses.
I have initially valued each block at £100 (GBP) and have made 100 blocks. A person or company may buy 2 blocks and sell one of them at any price they want. In this way the value of every block can increase in value and this will increase the value of the whole CPN Blockchain.
Cathodic Protection Network is therefore different from other bodies representing the corrosion control world in that it is owned by all of the purchasers and the one-off price increases in value instead of demanding renewal fees.
Each block (USB memory) should be plugged in when the PC or device is NOT CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET IN ANY WAY. It should then be copied to a folder labelled CPN Blockchain and the USB block should then be unplugged and stored safely. It is very valuable and unique.
In this way any attempt to steal or corrupt your unique block is totally protected by you. The key to open your block is a unique picture that is sent to you when you purchase a block. You then mark the picture in any way you choose and send it back to me. I then set this picture as the key to open your block.
Your own CPN Block is your token of value and you are the only one who can access it.
When you are using your copy of your block on the internet, any information that your use generates should be filed in the copy and that should only be added to your actual block when you computer of device is completely off line.
CPN Coordinators who have bought a block will therefore have access to all of CPN science and technology and can refer to any part of this when answering questions orin discussion with other owners in the blockchain.
The global state of corrosion control.
The corruption of science has caused corrosion that has damaged the pipeline and energy industry more than terrorism.
Marketing (propaganda) has monopolised the international organisations that are supposed to provide a hub of excellence for corrosion control.
This has been corrupted further by the patent and copyright system that has monetarised academia and the scientific community.
Professionals are now only judged by how much money they receive and the bits of paper they acquire in the form of certificates and qualifications.
These elite retain their power by a system of peer review in which the main consideration is to agree what is good for the elite themselves.
Money is created by a process of corruption between politicians and the rich but
I have detailed understanding of corrosion and how to control it using science, technology and engineering procedures and I am continuously being asked to guide many people who have problems that they cannot resolve.
The majority of the people who ask me for work do not want work, they simply need money to survive or would like more money to enjoy life better. This is OK providing they are willing to learn the application of the science of corrosion control.
It is not sufficient to continue with practices that do not work because it is not sensible to repeat the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.
The world of corrosion control is presently dominated by two commercial organisations that have established certification that they sell globally. The advice they give is not sound science or credible electronic technology so it does not work and corrosion is not controlled.
I am addressing the problem that the establishment is failing to address by eliminating the influence of money and using computer logic.
The way forward is to practice real corrosion control in a scientific and engineering way.
To this end it is essential that we have enough scientists and engineers cooperating in a self disciplined network to put into practice the research and development, data acquisition, software and hardware development, manufacture and design that is required to understand and use the laws of nature to control corrosion to networks of pipelines and facilities.
The seminar and master classes that I have written set out the steps that must be taken to control corrosion. Please look at the link that is accessed by a left click on this button.
Corrosion is costing lives, causing environmental damage, massive financial loss and political unrest. If you are one of many experienced engineers and specialists looking for work we must work together to offer the service of controlling corrosion.
This service cannot be effective when delivered in the established way of competition, fragmented activities and restricted information flow.
I have put in place a structure, described in the following links, that will allow us all to work together to offer complete corrosion control. We must present this solution, to the problem of corrosion, to governments, investors, asset owners and operators who are presently suffering massive financial losses.
How Cathodic Protection Network functions
Cathodic Protection Network (abreviated to CPN) is not hierarchal or level management but takes advantage of the system of Hyper-Text Mark-up Language (HTML) that allows 'links' to connect with individual pages in any direction within a 3 dimensional structure. This is how the internet works, relational data bases work and how layered spread sheets work.
In this structure individuals, groups or companies may be part of the science and technology of CPN by adding to the intellectual property and having ownership of the equity that they have added.
This combines the benefits of capitalism, socialism, workers cooperatives and personal freedom of choice.
This is possible because of personal communcations through mobile phones and the social media, combined with the well established practice of time banking and the transparent trading possibility using blockchain technology.
We must recognize that it is no good being the only person in the world who has a telephone. The more telephones there are the better the communication system becomes and this improves the quality of life for everyone. We must recognize the computer as an adding machine but is now used to make mathematical decisions that affect us all. When this is used to make engineering decisions that are based on the laws of science the results are deterministic and constant. That is why computers have blown the lid off the guesswork and opinions that have caused corrosion control to fail.
People who want to participate in Cathodic Protection Network will be allocated a page on this website and be linked to the whole of our international network.
Please use the link buttons to read about each activity.
The first step is to gather real information about the cost of corrosion to the asset owners, governments, financiers and human society. We must do this from the ground up by gathering information from local news sources, gossip, local companies, political activists, environmental agencies, schools, universities, land owners and local farmers.
This information can be published on this website as it comes to hand and each incident needs to be investigated, or shown that it has not been investigated fully. This is a massive task and is in the interest of multinationals, insurance companies and governments who should be the first to be approached by Members of CPN.
We must the confirm the amount spent on corrosion control at present and where this money is actually going.
All pipeline and asset owners must be made aware of CPN and of the activities necessary to control corrosion to networks of pipelines and associated facilities. We can do this by arranging the master classes in each of the 50 countries in which there are CPN followers.
Concurrently, we must start building the software development teams so that the multinational software companies realise that this is a global matter concerning the cash flow of the world through pipelines that need regarding as a massive electronic circuit. The electronics and IT industries must be represented at all meetings and it must be shown that present computer software only displays volts and current with no common 'ground' value that can be the basis of any calculations. This is easily confirmed by demonstration to electricians, electronic engineers and electrical accademics.
The three nails demonstration together with DCVG and CIPS surveys make this clear beyond any dispute. Major asset owners have been sold billions of meaningless readings and millions of graphs that have no foundation in science and cannot stand the slightest scrutiny.
The reason for this is pure corruption by blocking the accademics from scrutinizing field practices. Contracts are not allowed to be issued without certification by the very people who have a vested interest in procedures that they know to be in error.
This is all very well documented and NACE even go so far as to issue disclaimers to deny any reponsibility for results of following their advice.