Before I go I’ll come if you will be home Tues 09:15 You sent ============================================================== You sent Brief Cathodic Protection Network Blockchain requires the following legal representation for Abdul Buhari who is our Coordinator for Ghana. Advice and guidance on his ownership of a block in the CPN Blockchain with respect to company law in Ghana. Advice and guidance with regard to employer/employee laws in Ghana. Advice and guidance with respect to Abduls property rights relating to the documents you hold about the real estate that he has dicussed with me. Cathodic Protection Network Blockchain requires international legal representation in Ghana relating to the following matters. We need the appointment of a qualified accountant as our Financial Controller who, together with our International Lawyer, will negotiate a contract with the government of Ghana in which Cathodic Protection Network Blockchain will provide a science based engineering and consultancy service that will control corrosion on pipelines and facilities in Ghana. The CPN Financial Controller will prepare a business plan to agree with oil, gas and water multinational corporations the funding budgets for the first years activities of Cathodic Protection Network Blockchain in controlling corrosion on pipelines and facilities in Ghana. ============================================================== Alina Alina Aly Alina Send me pleases You sent eh? Alina The name and surname of the lawyer? Alina Alina Aly Alina His details You sent I am creating a web page that I will upload with all these details Alina Alina Aly Alina Ok but send just for a quick check You sent this link will be posted to all spcial coordinators You sent I will give you Lawyer Adam Ibrahim link now Abdul My lawyer Abdul Abdul This is his Facebook link Abdul Abdul Buhari You can message Lawyer Adam Ibrahim now You sent I think yu willfind his postal address in that big load of text I sent you yesterday You sent in any case it will be good if you connect with him as coordinator inthe UK etc You sent we need to make you a business card and label You sent and look throughthe catalogue of ptomotional stuff You sent Tues 10:45 You sent this is the Egypt activity that I mentioned You sent =============================================================================== You sent Mostafa Abuzeid Lives in Cairo, Egypt Director at The Mechanical and Electrical Research Institute Studied at Assiut University Faculty of Engineering 4 Sep 2023, 10:32 You sent Hello Mostafa, can wehave a discussion here because I use mesenger fo all of the hundreds of conversations that are continuous relating toCPN and our science You sent 4 Sep 2023, 12:31 You sent Tues 12:33 You sent You sent Wed 04:50 You sent Sat 13:39 You sent please connect with ..... You sent You sent You sent we are progressing rapidly and your suggestion of conducting on line courses as podcasts is becoming very relavant You sent I would also like you to help coordinate our LinkedIn followers Mon 11:49 You sent ============================================================== You sent Mohamed Metwaly You're friends on Facebook 05/03/2022, 07:56 Mohamed replied to your story Mohamed Metwaly Great sir 05/03/2022, 11:17 You sent 22/03/2022, 20:39 You sent Sat 13:21 Mohamed Hi sir Mohamed How are you Mohamed Iam Mohamed Metwaly from Egypt Mohamed Iam painting,coating inspector Having about 10 years experience Mohamed Iam work also as Cathodic Protection Inspector But have about 2 years experience Mohamed Mohamed Metwaly I will travel to USA next month You sent Hello Mohamed Mohamed Could I find Suitable job there Mohamed Mohamed Metwaly Thanks in advance my dear prof You sent you are better to stay in Egypt and work with CPN You sent we nowhave a coordinatorin Egypt You sent I will connect you Mohamed Mohamed Metwaly Ok Mohamed replied to you Mohamed Metwaly What CPN sir You sent You sent You sent You sent You sent connect with Mohamed Mohamed Metwaly Thanks alot sir 10:39 You sent let me know when you have connected with Mostafa 11:08 Mohamed Could you send me his number Mohamed Mohamed Metwaly 00201015659662 This is my phone number You can give it to him to contact me anytime Write to Mohamed Metwaly ============================================================================ Mon 12:25 You sent Hi Mostafa, we now need to progress your idea of a Zoom podcast on line course ========================================================== Tues 16:11 You sent I bet you are asleep! Alina 😃 Alina Alina Aly Alina Just for some minutes You sent I must take exercise as I have eaten 10 mini eclairs..... well I couldn't waste them You sent do you want to cme in for a few minutes? Alina Alina Aly Alina But I finishing cooking dinner and other stuff You sent is Gabriel asleep? Alina Let me finish and I’ll come Alina Alina Aly Alina Are you going out ? You sent OK You sent will wait.... no problem You sent will go out after our meeting Tues 17:23 You sent