Cathodic Protection Network International Limited Registered at Companies House in the UK

Name & Registered Office:
RG12 0UL
Company No. 08505715

How to use our forum

  • Email Cathodic Protection Network with your CV .....

  • Give reasons why you want to join the forum.

  • List your knowledge about corrosion control and cathodic protection

  • List your experience relating to cathodic protection and corrosion control.

  • List your qualifications and certificates.

    There are thousands of people with no qualifications or experience who have a genuine interest in these subjects, who we are keen to involve for free.

    There are thousands of people, at all levels, who have paid for memberships and courses in these subjects, but are dissatisfied with their investment. We are not competitive but wish to enhance the understanding of our science and technology to mainstream scientific and engineering discipline. This forum is part of this effort.

    This forum has been attacked by unrelated spam and we are now trying to create a genuine facility for the discussion and exchange of ideas between like minds.