Luis Rebolledo You're friends on Facebook Lives in Barranquilla Studied at University of Atlantico 29 Jun 2021, 12:52 Luis Luis Rebolledo Hello Roger Alexander, Greetings From Colombia 🇨🇴 Sudamerica 29 Jun 2021, 14:48 You sent Hello Luis You sent You sent Le enviaré enlaces a mi sitio web en el que he explicado DCVG y mucho más ... He integrado Google Translate en la mayoría de las páginas You sent You sent You sent Luis Luis Rebolledo Thank you for your call You sent Por favor, revise todos estos enlaces y luego haga todas las preguntas que se le ocurran. Luis Luis Rebolledo I have 23 years of experience in DCVG Survey My instructor was John Leeds You sent I knew John Leeds who I believe is now dead. You sent solo pasó parte de la información que le proporcioné y exageró en sus afirmaciones You sent leerá todo sobre esto en los enlaces que le he enviado. You sent Luis Luis Rebolledo Always wanted to learn english but I am hard for not being disciplined and Constantina in practica You sent har har har ....... todavía estoy tratando de aprender portugués ya que tengo una relación en Brasil pero como tú no soy bueno para aprender idiomas ....... Google resuelve mis problemas 6 Aug 2021, 23:17 You sent Rukundo Rukundo sent Today at 20:56 Hello everyone, I added my friend and brother @Rodrigue Fouafou . He is an investor in African Tech. He may be of a help to the project of working in Rwanda. We can schedule a call tomorrow Saturday to discuss how we can implement CPN in Rwanda and also training engineers about Cathodic Protection. You sent Today at 21:00 Hello everyone.... Iam here You sent Today at 21:03 We need to add Rwanda to the cpn website You sent Today at 21:03 You sent Today at 21:04 and add other countries in Africa in which we can identify active coodinators You sent Today at 21:07 I have bee chatting to a new Coordinator in the Nederland's and she will be active very soon... I have told her to connect with you all through the Facebook groups so that we can achieve continuity You sent Today at 21:09 the aim is to follow the same pattern in South America, Asia, SE Asia and the Pacific You sent Today at 21:11 this has got to spread itself virally until star holding the master classes atthe top level Rukundo Fidele Rukundo Rukundo sent Today at 21:11 That will be great to be connected with you for a good cause. Add her to the group so that she will be in a call we have tomorrow You sent Today at 21:11 by that time we will have functioning teams globally 6 Sep 2021, 12:29 Luis Luis Rebolledo Good morning Roger You sent You sent Luis You sent You sent I am resting and listening to a scientific lecture Luis Luis Rebolledo sorry. I can't answer call now. I am in control medical exams You sent Chat later 17 Sep 2021, 11:01 You sent Hi Luis, Thank you for your interesting question well explained and drawn. Please have a look at the following link. .... The use of a 12 volt battery in testing Insulation Joints and flanges is frowned upon as it could cause a spark across any weak insulation and damage the insulation. Your resistance in series would mitigate this effect. The problem remains to find where the CP current is going to. The easiest way is to use two ground contact electrodes (half-cells) and conduct a grid survey over the whole area including the concrete surfaces after wetting them. This procedure is described in detail at the following link ... I can answer any further questions on messenger with diagrams and videos chats Roger On 16 September 2021 at 23:51 Luis Rebolledo - Gerencia Procatodica wrote: Mrs Roger Alexander It is my pleasure to contact you. I am submitting to you electric diagram and pictures the last four tests done in order to determine the electrical resistance of four insulated flanges, type E 12 inches in diameter, 300 ANSI. These are three short sections of pipes with Fusion Bonded Epoxy coating, which have a high consumption of cathodic protection current and the Instant Off potentials do not reach the criterion of -850 millivolts polarized. Using our equipment Insulator tester RF / IT, we find that most of the asparagus are electrically well insulated. In all tests, we used a battery (12 volts 7 amps) and an external resistor (2000 watts 4 ohms) in series. I would like to know if you consider the tests carried out to be valid or to be satisfactory to you. Cordialmente, Luis Rebolledo Martinez Gerente Procatódica de la Costa Ltda. Calle 69F No. 41-192. Of 605. Edificio Discovery. Tel: +57(5) 3609037 / 3681886 Web-site: Barranquilla - Colombia. You sent I tried to reply to your email but the system rejected it... sorry 18 Sep 2021, 22:54 You sent You sent remember that we are measuring the potential of the ground and the half-cell You sent in the drawing I have shown the groundbed immediate area of influence that you can plot using the two-half-cell survey You sent 4 Oct 2021, 13:08 You sent You sent call me any time you see me on line You sent I have looked through the attachment and it is very complex so I went to the manufacturers site and that is even more complex! Have you looked at this site? Why are you interested in this instrument when you can use a portable data logger/multi-meter for all the measurements necessary in our field of interest. AC interference is a myth because AC itself cannot cause corrosion, it is used to make money. We can chat about this on Facebook Messenger. You sent You sent 17 Oct 2021, 14:53 You sent are you OK? 17 Oct 2021, 15:12 Luis Luis Rebolledo Good morning Roger. My family and I, are very well. I hope you are too. You sent yes, I am well and CPN has snowballed so tyere is so much work I have got bogged down You sent the good news is that coordinators are beginning to function and more people are using theCPN as a focal poin of reference Luis Luis Rebolledo All days visit CPN in Facebook, see the pictures and publications of other people from different countries You sent very good.... thanks Luis We are The next week we to begin a new project the Identification of DC electrical interference between several SPC by imppressed current Luis Luis Rebolledo Sorry for grammatical errors when writing in English You sent Luis Luis Rebolledo Thank for the information. I will consulting You sent no problem with spelling and grammar..... google speaks 156 languages Luis Luis Rebolledo A question, you can translate from spanish to English simultaneously on line? You sent You sent yes there is a translation app but I am too old and stupid to have downloaded it..... this makes it easier to keep track of many conversations You sent I suggest that you carry out the three nails experiment first as it shows interference and allows you to learn using your own instruments and rational You sent Luis Luis Rebolledo You sent Luis Thank you. Luis Luis Rebolledo This is a example CIPS Survey making in field You sent and read again the front page of my website to make it clear that the use of the 'half-cell' during CIPS surveys cannot deliver meaningful data Luis Luis Rebolledo Ok I will be consulting You sent can you help me to understand your views by summarising your progress You sent the red line 'criterion' of -0.850 on your graph can never be a straight line as the electrode on the black terminal of your meter is a variable potential value You sent the trace of the voltage can never be a straight line as there are many coting faults on every section of every pipeline You sent that is why an Alexander Cell is essential to fix a datum of actual corrosion at each location You sent Luis Luis Rebolledo In this case the protection criterion is -950, because it is crude oil pipes You sent OK but who decided that criterion? You sent and on what basis? Luis Luis Rebolledo our client is the one who establishes the protection criteria You sent and I expect he gets it from the USA.... eventually NACE You sent and NACE refers to API who refer to NACE Luis Because, the Crude oil transportation pipelines operate with temperatures greater than 100 degrees Celsius Luis Luis Rebolledo It is a congested field of pipes You sent yes..... this is why you need to use science and not guesswork You sent Luis Luis Rebolledo I agree You sent You sent Luis Luis Rebolledo You sent You sent yours is an excellent drawing of a small section You sent I suggest you look at the following video Luis Luis Rebolledo Ours presentations are copied from of your publications You sent very good.... thanks You sent this demonstration of how cathodic protection works will help you gain credence because it is pure science in action that you can set up yourself at very small expense. It is my personal intellectual property and I give you permission to use withoutpatent or copyright restrictions. Luis Luis Rebolledo Thank Roger. Do you have any technical paper or guide that you can share with me to interpret problems and perform AC voltage and current calculations induced by parallelism and divergences in pipes when high voltage line circuit failures occur? You sent all I have is on my website and in the white paper that I am selling as a block in the CPN Blockchain You sent You sent read this and then you can decide Luis Luis Rebolledo Ok. I will be reading You sent I am trying to ensure that CPN gets cashflow without external interference 23 Oct 2021, 15:45 Luis Luis Rebolledo Roger buenos dias, Según la configuración de la presentación, lo que entiendo es que se trata de 4 probetas aisladas entre sí, metidas dentro de una caja; dos en la parte inferior las cuales se colocan semienterradas en el ambiente propio de las tuberías, y otras dos en la parte superior, conectadas a sendos bornes positivo y negativo. A Las probetas de arriba se les debe rellenar con muestra propia del suelo. La ALCE debe colocarse en cercanías a un test post y realizar conexión directa entre la tubería y una probeta; interpreto que exponiendo las probetas a la IPC distribuida en el electrolito y colocando un micro amperímetro DC en mitad de una probeta superior y una inferior, es posible medir e identificar dirección de la corriente de PC que circula entre las probetas que se comportan como ánodo a cátodo. Supongo que en algún momento sería útil para determinar si el cátodo protegido está recibiendo adecuada PC o descargando corriente al suelo. La interrogante es contra que se compara la cantidad de corriente en microamperes que se logre medir. Interpreto que el procedimiento de ALCE en campo consiste en: 1. Colocar ALCE semienterrada en cercanías a un test post 2. Conectar el micro amperímetro en los bornes identificados con bornes (+ y -) 3. Medir corriente (microamperios o miliamperios) entre ánodo y cátodo sin conexión a la tubería que está siendo protegida con SPC permanentemente. 4. Conectar ALCE a la estación de prueba cercana. 5. Medir y registrar la corriente DC que se drena a la tubería enterrada y protegida catódicamente 6. Comparar la corriente inicial (miliamperios) con la corriente que se obtiene al momento de integrar ALCE al SPC permanente Conclusión: Si la corriente que se mide con ALCE es mayor a la corriente inicial, entonces se puede inferir que en ese punto la PC aplicada, ha detenido la Icorr 23 Oct 2021, 17:35 You sent Gracias Luis Su explicación es correcta, pero se refiere a los cuatro cupones como tubos de ensayo y esto puede ser engañoso. Se utiliza el término 'cupones' para referirse a muestras del metal sujeto que se colocan en un bloque de resina epoxi eléctricamente resistente. Los dos cupones inferiores se pulen antes de cada uso para que tengan la misma reacción de corrosión al electrolito / tierra con el que entran en contacto. El ánodo de esta celda de corrosión se crea puliendo la parte superior del cupón que está conectado al cupón base debajo de él. El otro cupón superior nunca se pule, sino que se lava después de cada uso para que los productos corrosivos permanezcan en su lugar. Es un hecho bien establecido que el acero pulido actuará como un ánodo del acero sin pulir y esto se demuestra en el primer paso en la prueba de Alexander Cell. La lectura del microamperímetro en la primera parte de la prueba también prueba el valor de la corriente de corrosión que se crea por esta área fija de contacto con la muestra de electrolito que une el ánodo y el cátodo de este sistema. El área conocida de contacto de los cupones base nos permite medir con precisión la "densidad de corriente" de la corriente ICCP en esta ubicación. El pH, la temperatura y la presión en el momento de la prueba afectan cada medición registrada. La segunda parte de la prueba es conectar el cupón base debajo del ánodo a la tubería o al metal sujeto. Esto convierte a la celda de Alexander en una celda de corrosión en la superficie de la tubería, además de las otras celdas de corrosión que ya podrían estar presentes. La medida que se muestra en el microamperímetro es la dirección y la magnitud de la corriente de corrosión en la celda Alexander cuando está influenciada por la energía eléctrica presente en esta ubicación en este momento. Luis Luis Rebolledo Excelente aclaración Gracias You sent Luis Luis Rebolledo Roger buenos dias, Según la configuración de la presentación, lo que entiendo es que se trata de 4 probetas aisladas entre sí, metidas dentro de una caja; dos en la parte inferior las cuales se colocan semienterradas en el ambiente propio de las tuberías, y otras dos en la parte superior, conectadas a sendos bornes positivo y negativo. A Las probetas de arriba se les debe rellenar con muestra propia del suelo. La ALCE debe colocarse en cercanías a un test post y realizar conexión directa entre la tubería y una probeta; interpreto que exponiendo las probetas a la IPC distribuida en el electrolito y colocando un micro amperímetro DC en mitad de una probeta superior y una inferior, es posible medir e identificar dirección de la corriente de PC que circula entre las probetas que se comportan como ánodo a cátodo. Supongo que en algún momento sería útil para determinar si el cátodo protegido está recibiendo adecuada PC o descargando corriente al suelo. La interrogante es contra que se compara la cantidad de corriente en microamperes que se logre medir. Interpreto que el procedimiento de ALCE en campo consiste en: 1. Colocar ALCE semienterrada en cercanías a un test post 2. Conectar el micro amperímetro en los bornes identificados con bornes (+ y -) 3. Medir corriente (microamperios o miliamperios) entre ánodo y cátodo sin conexión a la tubería que está siendo protegida con SPC permanentemente. 4. Conectar ALCE a la estación de prueba cercana. 5. Medir y registrar la corriente DC que se drena a la tubería enterrada y protegida catódicamente 6. Comparar la corriente inicial (miliamperios) con la corriente que se obtiene al momento de integrar ALCE al SPC permanente Conclusión: Si la corriente que se mide con ALCE es mayor a la corriente inicial, entonces se puede inferir que en ese punto la PC aplicada, ha detenido la Icorr Thank for your time and patience 24 Oct 2021, 14:03 You sent for your information I have just sent this email to Yemen You sent Appointment to the position of CPN Coordinator, Yemen. ALEXANDER ROGER 13:56 To Quick replyReply allForwardDelete Dear Hamed, By this email I confirm that you are now the coordinator for Cathodic Protection Network, Yemen and that you should refer to the Facebook Group 'Cathodic Protection Network Coordinators' as our main means of communication and use Facebook Messenger as our first means of direct conversation including video chats. Please connect with the other coordinators in order to structure CPN by convention between everyone involved. As you have read in the following link we are creating a blockchain in which the protocol is computer controlled so that there can be no internal competition or conflicts. I suggest that you gather all local information about pipelines in Yemen, who owns them and controls them. Gather as much informatio as possible about the real cost and problems caused by corrosion and the activities that are taken to mitigate corrosion and the names of individual who are responsible for corrosion control and get them talking about their work to each other. Please read and understand the following link about the five day event that is our first goal. This contains an outline business plan/structure that must be put in place at the highest level globally and ineach country. You will see that we need the following teams in order to scientifically control corrosion. Software development teams. Scientists at university and research centres. Corrosion engineers and designers. Field engineers and technicians. Human resources and PR specialists. A financial controller for each country. Data acquisition survey teams. Please reply to this email with your comments and questions that will be open for discussion for all participants in CPN. Remember that we are governed by the laws of the universe that have been codified over the centuries by the study of science and the scientific method. Thank you for joining us Roger 8 Nov 2021, 02:23 You sent The function of a Cathodic Protection Network Coordinator. The goal of Cathodic Protection Network (CPN) is to structure a network of specialists who carry out the activities necessary to control corrosion to networks of pipelines and facilities. We need 'Coordinators' in each country to motivate the members of each social media group to chat with each other about their experiences and expertise in corrosion control so that we have a global pool of knowledge and understanding that is not possible for one person or for one (competitive) company. A coordinator needs to connect the specialists necessary to form a network capable of working together to control corrosion. Each of these coordinators can structure the network in that country to produce cash flow for each follower of CPN technology. The way that Cathodic Protection Network functions needs structuring in the manner described in the following link so that we can each earn cash flow resulting from our work. Coordinators are not required to share information or data but simply to introduce specialists to other specialists and to keep conversations live by spreading news about CPN science and technology. For example, professors and students in universities will chat to other professors and students globally about their studies and research projects relating to corrosion control.They will discuss sponsors and mentors as well as resources necessary to carry out their studies and the problems they are encountering. One of our coordinators has requested a business card and this is a good idea as it can be linked to this description of the function of a CPN Coordinator to make it clear how they function within the structure of the CPN I must link the card to the function of a CPN coordinator in order that the client understands how they need your service for his company benefit.. We are selling control of corrosion and we can demonstrate how we use science and technology that nobody else is offering. My own admin system must be mirrored by coordinators to ensure continuity as there are hundreds of us coordinating and synchronising our efforts for which we must be paid. I have gathered all coordinators emails into a folders for each country using the standard email system. I also have folders in the windows system for each country in which I file copies of conversations , information, pictures and data that I then convert into HTML and upload this into the relevant countries. I am very much behind in this and that is why we need webmasters to work with coordinators and the other software engineers, universities, design engineers, field engineers, technicians and survey teams who are acquiring data and information. I have no money and there is no company, we are a network of independent people who need cash flow to survive and enjoy life. For this reason we can use the blockchain structure to account for all cash flow on a distributed ledger that is on all our computers. This is the modern way to structure activities of countries and organisations. I am old and don't want or need anything, I will die soon. You guys would like a job that pays you money to carry out duties that I am now trying to define. I have no money but have knowledge and understanding that is valuable to the extremely rich in the pipeline industry. Our ideas and comments will form the protocol that will control the activities withing the CPN Blockchain. In this was we will all be in control of our individual lives and will work together in a similar way to playing a computer game. Sun 21:09 Luis Luis Rebolledo Roger buenas tardes You sent Luis buenas tardes Luis Luis Rebolledo En Colombia tenemos 16:11 pm, meridiano -5. Cual es la diferencia horaria? Como esta su salud? Luis Luis Rebolledo You sent son las 9:15 pm aquí ... 21:15 hr You sent ¿Quieres que traduzca en Google los textos anteriores o ya lo has hecho? Luis Luis Rebolledo Yes, I would like to have a translation. I will be writing tomorrow morning You sent OK.... this is good Luis Luis Rebolledo You sent Te veré mañana por la mañana Luis Luis Rebolledo ok You sent Sun 21:57 Luis Luis Rebolledo me gustaría contar con su apoyo y observaciones en un caso donde hace 35 años se instalo tubería de crudo-oil de 18 pulgadas, como se observa en la imagen anterior, y varios años después se construyeron Tks de almacenamiento de 50000 barriles. Actualmente la tubería esta muy cerca de ánodos verticales MMO (separación menor a 5 metros) y se presenta sobreprotección catódica You sent Luis Mi pregunta es si es posible se presente interferencia anódica o catódica? Luis Luis Rebolledo Esta muy interesante el link y muy bien ilustrada la información. La voy a consultar inmediatamente Luis Luis Rebolledo You sent Ahora estoy considerando su dibujo y situación y agradecería cualquier información e imágenes que tenga. Debemos recordar que se trata de electricidad de CC que podemos medir y calcular utilizando la ley de Ohm y las leyes de Kirchhoff y los circuitos no son tan complejos como la más simple de las computadoras. Luis La gráfica enviada corresponde al sector próximo a los ánodos perimetrales instalados para protección de los fondos externos de los dos (2) TKs Luis Yo creo que los perfiles on y Off del estudio CIPS, deberían presentarse con depresiones (picos anódicos) en los puntos muy próximos a los ánodos de corriente impresa Metal Mixed Oxide (MMO) Luis Luis Rebolledo You sent el gráfico es de voltajes que NACE erróneamente llama potenciales y, por lo tanto, debe leer y comprender la página principal de mi sitio web nuevamente antes de intentar analizar los datos de protección catódica You sent debe realizar un estudio de cuadrícula sobre el suelo para determinar el perfil potencial como se muestra en los siguientes enlaces Luis Luis Rebolledo Este es un párrafo copiado de informe técnico realizado por un NACE Specilist De acuerdo con las mediciones realizadas y al revisar la trayectoria del oleoducto a través de los diques de los tanques de la facilidad PS1, se identifica que el Oleoducto CLM-COV se encuentra recibiendo corriente, entre otros, desde los ánodos perimetrales instalados para los tanques 108 y 110 sin que esto ocasione que se presenten potenciales inversos. Esta proximidad, ocasiona que los potenciales Instant OFF registren valores electronegativos de hasta -1.286 VCSE y los potenciales ON del orden de -3.452 VCSE. Para revertir esta condición, habría que implementar medidas tales como la de apagar los sistemas de los tanques, medida que se considera inviable porque quedarían los tanques desprotegidos, o modificar la condición del Oleoducto CLM-COV de enterrado a aéreo dentro de la estación PS1. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, mediante ajustes en los sistemas de protección catódica y en los puenteos no fue posible modificar la condición anteriormente descrita. You sent You sent si NACE hiciera la encuesta, no se basaría en ciencia real You sent